maandag 1 augustus 2011


I'm back from france guys!
I had a really good time, unfortunately the weather was so bad, it rained almost every day during the 2 weeks i've spend in France, a reason why I wasen't that happy all the time!(sorry mum and dad!)
But beside that, I enjoyed it!

Friday í'm leaving for Portugal with one of my best friends, Emma, I can't wait!!
Today I went shopping and did some good salepurchases (i'll show them soon to you!) wich í'm taking with me to portugal. Hope that I can get a tan there, cause France wasen't the best place for tanning last weeks!

And after Portugal there's another trip waiting for me!! i'm going to France again, also with my friend Emma, the place where we're going to spend some days is near to Paris, so we're going to visit that of course! Funny that i've been in France so many times but never visited Paris yet, but this summer that's going to change!

 pics of me at the beatiful lake we're we stayed 2 weeks / stained glass in one of the many old churches / church candles / me between the wineyards / view of Geneve / little sis / me and my sister in St. Claude (Jura)

Biggggg kissss

5 opmerkingen:

  1. I'm from Portugal! You gonna love it!
    Kisses enjoy your trip :)

  2. Mooie foto's! Klinkt gezellig in Frankrijk, wel jammer van het weer!
    Alvast veel plezier met Emma in Portugal... En weer in Frankrijk haha <3

  3. Ontzettend leuke foto's! En één van de drie? :O Whoo I'm jealous O:) X

  4. leuke foto's schat! jaa leuk voor jou al die reisjes haha, maar ik zit je lekker thuis te missen:(( grapje lieverd veel plezier!


  5. !e & 2e vind ik heeel mooi :) mooi meisje!


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